Photovoltaic systems (panels)

Solar Energy is really an important innovation of our time. To transform solar energy into electric power by using photovoltaic cells makes an ideal solution applicable to houses, business and public installations. If the 1% of Sahara desert is covered by photovoltaic panels, electricity power can be produced to cover the power-consumption of the whole planet. Therefore fuel-consumption the price of which keeps rising steadily can be avoided.

Photovoltaic panels turn solar energy into electric power. They are also called solar cells and have a wide application in technology e.g. in pocket calculations and watches. More complicated applications can be the ones which produce power for distant communication, stations or domestic use. In most cases the photovoltaic systems have proved to be the most economic electricity supply and ensure self-sufficient energy.
There are other categories:
1. simple or independent photovoltaic system
2. battery operating system
3. Photovoltaic system connected with organizations of public utility services.
Since our country is privileged by solar of Aeolic energy the Enterprises using renewable sources of energy are financed by the state and ensure tax relief of about 500. And yet theres return of capital in 4-5 years time.

The photovoltaic system can cover all energy needs. When theres no overall use of energy, then the Power Plant Enterprises buys the surplus energy from the householder paying, for the cost of power in kilowatts and the maintenance expenses as well.
All the above measures offer advantages by using renewal sources of energy harmless to the environment with low cost.
For the present the installation of photovoltaic systems is being promoted by the Greek legal system reducing the cost of the project.
In other European and American countries theres a wide application of the above system concerning residences or industries.