The system vents multilayer (3 layers) that adopts the P3 is air conditioning vents type POLYURETHANE – ALUMINIUM PANEL using material type “sandwich” with three layers and started in 1985 inItaly. The pipes are shaped and based of specific technical and economic needs and consists of special high-density polyurethane (50kg/m3) covered on both sides with aluminium foil. They are suitable for air-conditioning – ventilation systems, especially in food industries (Kolios SA), Hotels (HOTEL THRAKI), BAR – Cafes – Restaurants, Hospitals – Surgery (due to avoiding erosion risk – contamination).
The advantages are:
- Approved internationally with quality certificates
- Excellent and uniform heat and sound insulation in all parts of the pipeline
- Avoiding risk of erosion due to air flow and contamination due to aluminium (while the sheet created micro-contamination).
- Ability to build pipelines directly at the system with considerable savings on transport costs
- It is non-flammable
- Reducing air leakage through the excellent aerosteganopoiiti
- Extremely light weight
- Allow the installation of pipelines in rural areas
- The visible from aesthetic finishes offered by aluminium which can be painted in different colours
- The BhT system is the easiest and quickest method of construction airway in any dimension and with the least possible cost.